About Me

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50 something, living with partner in Sunny Spain. Spend my days bowling, crafting & occasionally doing housework.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Scalloped Broderie Anglaise Cards

Ann Marie Vaux has just released some new designs for a scalloped square card. These all have lace on & look great when completed. Have just done 4 & uploaded to Craftsuprint. If you want to view more great designs click on the banner at the top.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Wasp Sting

On Tuesday I got stung by a wasp. By the evening my leg was swollen & very painful so a visit to the clinic resulted in an antihistamine injection which they assured me would solve the problem.
Yesterday morning, not only had it not gone down but it was larger. I went off to bowl but it was very painful & I had shooting pains down the shin into my foot. After bowls we went to the chiropractor & by the time we left there there was a swelling from my knee to about 4 inches above my ankle & about 3/4 of the way around my leg.
We decided to call at the hospital. They were concerned that as the initisl sting was on a vein that it might have caused a thrombosis but after loads of tests they confirmed that it was a very severe reaction to the wasp toxin. I have tablets & cream to use for 6 days & keep it out of the sun.
It is slightly better this morning but not much. Just hoping that it starts to improve more & that the pain disappears.