About Me

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50 something, living with partner in Sunny Spain. Spend my days bowling, crafting & occasionally doing housework.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Chocolate Muffins

This morning I wasn't feeling too well & was in need of cheering up. Allen made me chocolate muffins with liquid chocolate centres. Only 6 in a batch but they are so yummy. Had to take a picture of the 4 that are left before they disappeared.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

England v Wales

Each year the expats from the 4 home nations play matches against each other at bowls. Allen is a selector for Wales & I am selector & captain for England.
The latest match between our 2 countries was played on the Vistabella green, with 8 teams of 4 representing each country.
Before the match the Welsh captain had a long team talk with his players - don't know what he said. My team talk was much shorter & consisted of just one word "KILL".  On we marched, photos were taken:-
The Welsh
The English
Play got underway & the English took my team talk to their hearts. They proceeded to win on all but 1 rink - unfortunately the skip on that rink hadn't listened to the team talk!! (pssst - it was me!).
So with 7 rinks to 1 & a good shot advantage England took the honours.
The highest winning rinks for each country were presented with their National mugs.
Wales - Alison Edwards, Alan Pugh, Brian Gardiner & Jeff Richards
England - Clive Scott, Val Hignett, Arthur Brown & Peter McEneany

Medieval Fair

About a month ago we decided to go to a medieval fair which was being held in nearby Orihuela. It was located in the narrow streets just off the town centre. The streets had been strewn with straw & all the stall holders were in medieval costumes.
I stupidly said to Allen - why are they all dressed in Moorish costumes then realised that in medieval times Spain was under the rule of the Moors, duh!
There were bakers making bread in wood ovens, huge cakes where you just bought portions & cheesemakers.
Food was being served from huge barbecues which had very large hunks of meat on. A bowman was shooting arrows from a long bow at a target at least 30 metres away & hitting it!
An assortment of the photos Allen took:-

Cowl Collar

Have just finished a new type of scarf. Got the pattern at Craftsuprint, who have just started selling knitting, crochet & cross stitch patterns as well as cardmaking & scrapbooking sheets. If you want to take a look click on the link above.
I used Sirdar Click for my cowl, in a pale lilac & a mottle mix with plum, lilac & cream. This is a lovely easy design to knit because its just a straight piece of garter stitch then frills are done at each colour change in a different colour - in my case a mottled grey. 2 large buttons finish the project & it should prove very warm.