Each year the expats from the 4 home nations play matches against each other at bowls. Allen is a selector for Wales & I am selector & captain for England.
The latest match between our 2 countries was played on the Vistabella green, with 8 teams of 4 representing each country.
Before the match the Welsh captain had a long team talk with his players - don't know what he said. My team talk was much shorter & consisted of just one word "KILL". On we marched, photos were taken:-
The Welsh
The English
Play got underway & the English took my team talk to their hearts. They proceeded to win on all but 1 rink - unfortunately the skip on that rink hadn't listened to the team talk!! (pssst - it was me!).
So with 7 rinks to 1 & a good shot advantage England took the honours.
The highest winning rinks for each country were presented with their National mugs.
Wales - Alison Edwards, Alan Pugh, Brian Gardiner & Jeff Richards
England - Clive Scott, Val Hignett, Arthur Brown & Peter McEneany